Getting there and Getting Back
Getting to the start of the trail at Glasgow's Kelvin Bridge, as you would expect in Scotland's largest city is extremely easy with good rail, road and international air links.
Getting back from Durness in the far north is not so simple. There are no rail links or major roads to Durness and your nearest airport and train & bus station is Inverness. Fortunately the extremely enterprising folk in Durness have established a marvellous community bus service to Inverness which has the ability to carry your mountain bike unboxed. As with all things in the farnorth,booking ahead is absolutely essential to avoid dissapointment.
Access Rights in Scotland
The Land Reform Act (Scotland) Act 2003 established legal rights that clarified Scotland's well known tradition of good access to the outdoor environment.
The law which is the envy of the world gives mountain bikers the same rights of access to the outdoors as walkers. It also places responsibilities on users of the outdoors to know the 'Access Code' - 'No the code before you go' and for Mountain Bikers a special set of requirements is set out in the leaflet ' Do the Ride Thing'.
Wild Camping is allowed in most places on the route however a new 'Camping Management Zone' exists in the Trossachs and Loch Lomond National Park.
Accommodation & Supplies
Note about Safety
Accommodation and places to eat are widely available at the southern end of this trail, but availability dimishes the further north you ride. Booking well ahead of Hotels, Bunkhouses and even places to eat, is highly recommended.
Cycle repair opportunities are extremely limited. Glasgow, Aberfoyle,Calendar,Perth, Inverness and Fort William are your best bet for major repairs/replacements. The best advice is get your bicycle in as good a condition you can before you start and carry all the usual kit for on-trail repairs, which should include a spare tyre as these trails are very rough.
Food supplies are available from most villages you pass through
Safety is your most important concern. Any journey into the outdoors particularly on a bicycle requires an awareness of potential hazards and your own limitations.
When following our recommendations for this trail you assume responsibility for your own safety by being aware of route conditions, weather, terrain, the capabilities of your party and equipment condition, but also exercising common sense - these are key to a safe enjoyable ride.
Mobile Phone coverage is intermittent in the Highlands. Taking a EPIRB is recommended particularly for solo riders. Emergency Services: Ring 999

Cape Wrath Military Range & Ferry
The last 14 miles of the journey to the Cape Wrath Lighthouse is on the Cape Wrath Military
Range. This is still an active Ministry of Defence Live Firing Range. It is absolutely imperative if you wish to finish this trail at the lighthouse then you must consult the MOD website to see if exercises are taking place. .
To get to the Cape Wrath lighthouse and the trail end you have to take the amazing small ferry across the Kyle. Its a great wee journey but it essential to book as the ferry is very small. You can get all the information you need by clicking this link.