An Turas Mor is Scottish Gaelic, meaning 'The Long Journey'.
Starting in the very heart of metropolitan Glasgow the trail works its way north following historic paths, cycleways, forest and hill tracks through the very heart of remote Highland Scotland, to finish at the dramatic Cape Wrath Lighthouse - as far north and west as you can possibly go in mainland Scotland.
The trail passes through wild mountainous landscapes and crosses numerous mountain passes on its 354 mile journey north. The trail however requires only intermediate off road mountain bike skills, but even so is still a painstaking test of endurance based on the sheer scale of the route with 56000 feet of elevation gain and loss not to mention the vagaries of the Scottish weather.
The trail has been developed and researched by Mountain Bikers - members of Obscura Mondo Cycle Club - who live work and play in the Highlands, as a means of encouraging cyclists to responsibly explore the hidden beauty of Scotland away from motor vehicles.
The trail uses existing trails, cycleways, drove trails, historic
military trails, hydro roads and forest tracks connected together to give a continuously ride-able non technical cycle journey suitable for mountain and gravel bikes.
The route only became possible in 2017 with the construction of new hydro path across Rannoch Moor and trail improvement connecting Glen Moriston to Glen Affric.